Standard Libraries#


import std;




Serves as a way to dynamically and safely return a nullable value.

Best served with pattern matching.

  • Some { val }

  • None



Serves as a way to statically and safely return a nullable value.

Best served with pattern matching.

  • Box(T) { val: T }

  • Empty(T)


Array Class#

Array(..items)<T>; The Array class serves as an object oriented statically typed list. You can, of course, use the any type to dynamically type it.

  • add<item #T> - Adds the given item to the array.

  • remove<item #T> - Removes the given item from the array.

  • insert<item #T, index #num> - Inserts the given item at the given index.

  • iter<func #function> - Returns an Iter class that uses the given function and iterates over each item in the array.

  • pop<index #num> - Pops the given index from the array and returns the item.

  • size - Returns the size of the array.

  • addAll<..items> - Adds all the items to the array.

  • slice<start #num, end #num> - Returns a slice of the array between indices start and end.

  • indexOf<item> - Returns the index of the given item.

  • contains<item> - Returns true if the array contains the given item, else false.

  • join<str #String> - Returns a string where each item in the list is seperated by the given str.

Map Class#

Map(..pairs)<K, V>; The Map class serves as an object oriented statically typed dictionary. You can, of course, use the any type to dynamically type it.

When constructing the map, you should provide each key value as pair, such as ["a", "b"] or [1, 2].

  • get<other #K> - Returns the value associated with the given key. Fails if the key is not in the map.

  • getOrDefault<other #K, default> - Returns the value associated with the given key. If the key is not in the map, returns the provided default.

  • set<key #K, value #V> - Sets the given key in the map to the given value.

  • del<key #K> - Deletes the given key from the map.

  • iter<func #function> - Returns an Iter class that uses the given function and iterates over each pair in the map.

  • size - Retruns the size of the map.

  • contains<key> - Returns true if the map contains the given key, else false.

  • keyArray - Returns an array of each key in the map.

  • pairArray - Returns an array of each key-value pair.

Iter Class#

Should not be constructed manually Allows you to iterate over values in unique fashions.

  • collect - Returns each item iterated over as a new object.

  • stream - Iterates over each item without returning any values.

Tuple Class#

Tuple(..items); Offers as a way to statically return several different types in an immutable fashion.

  • size - Returns the size of the tuple.

  • contains<item> - Returns true if the tuple contains the given item, else false.


import socks;

SocketConnection Object#

Note: You will never construct this object yourself.

  • send<msg> - Sends the client the given message.

  • sendBytes<bytearray> - Sends the client the given byte array.

  • recv - Recieves data from the client.

  • recvBytes<length> - Recieves a byte array from the client of the given length.

  • recvAllBytes - Recieves a byte array from the client.

  • close - Closes the connection.

Socket Object#


  • listen - Returns a SocketConnection Object once a client connects to the server.

  • close - Closes the server and all its SocketConnections.

SocketClient Object#

SocketClient(host#String, port#num);

  • send<msg> - Sends the server the given message.

  • sendBytes<msg> - Sends the server the given message.

  • recv - Recieves data from the server.

  • recvBytes<length> - Recieves data from the server of the given length.

  • recvAllBytes - Recieves data from the server.

  • close - Closes the connection.