Native Libraries#


import time;

  • halt<ms> : Pauses the program for the specified amount of milliseconds.

  • stopwatch<func> : Returns the amount of milliseconds taken to execute the specified function.

  • epoch : Gets the current epoch time in milliseconds.


import gens;

  • range<start, stop, step> : Returns a list of numbers starting at start and ending at stop, increasing by step.

  • linear<start, stop, step, slope, y-inter> : Returns a list of numbers starting at start and ending at stop, increasing by step with the function x -> slope * x + y-inter applied to each.

  • quadratic<start, stop, step, a, b, c> : Returns a list of numbers starting at start and ending at stop, increasing by step, with the function x -> a * x * x + b * x + c applied to each.


import iofile;

String Data#

  • readFile<dir> : Reads the contents of the specified file and returns the contents as a string.

  • writeFile<dir, string> : Writes the string to the specified file. If the file does not exist, it will be created. Returns true if the file had to be created, false otherwise.

File Creation#

  • fileExists<dir> : Returns true if the specified file exists, else false.

  • makeDirs<dir> : Makes all missing directories along the path.

  • deleteFile<path> : Deletes the file at the given path.


  • listDirContents<dir> : Returns a list of the directories contents.

  • isDirectory<path> : Returns true if the given path is a directory, else false.

Working Directory#

  • setCWD<dir> : Sets the current working directory to the given directory.

  • getCWD : Returns the path of the current working directory.


  • readSerial<dir> : Reads and deserializes a stored JPizza object in the specified file and returns the object.

  • readBytes<dir> : Reads the contents of the specified file and returns the contents as a byte array.

  • writeSerial<dir, value> : Serializes the given value and stores it at the given path. If the value is a bytearray, the bytes will be written to the file. If the file does not exist, it will be created. Returns true if the file had to be created, false otherwise.


import sys;

  • os : Returns the users OS as a string.

  • home : Returns the users home path.

  • execute<cmd> : Executes the given command in the command line and returns the output.

  • executeFloor<cmdArgs> : Executes the given command arguments in the command line and returns the output.

  • disableOut : Disables output to the console.

  • enableOut : Enables output to the console.

  • jpv : Returns the current JPizza version.

  • envVarExists<var> : Returns if an environment variable exists or not.

  • getEnvVar<var> : Returns the value of the given environment variable. Throws an error if it doesn’t exist.

  • setEnvVar<var, value> : Sets the given environment variable to the given value.

  • getProp<prop> : Gets the given system property.

  • setProp<prop, val> : Sets the given system property to the given value.

  • exit<code> : Exits the program with the given code.


import httpx;

  • getRequest<url, headers> : Sends a GET request to the given url with the given headers.

  • deleteRequest<url, headers> : Sends a DELETE request to the given url with the given headers.

  • postRequest<url, headers, body> : Sends a POST request to the given url with the given headers and body.

  • traceRequest<url, headers> : Sends a TRACE request to the given url with the given headers and body.

  • patchRequest<url, headers, body> : Sends a PATCH request to the given url with the given headers and body.

  • putRequest<url, headers, body> : Sends a PUT request to the given url with the given headers and body.

  • optionsRequest<url, headers> : Sends an OPTIONS request to the given url with the given headers and body.

  • connectRequest<url, headers> : Sends a CONNECT request to the given url with the given headers and body.

  • headRequest<url, headers> : Sends a HEAD request to the given url with the given headers and body.


import pretzel;

  • init<host, port> : Initializes the webserver on host:port.

  • route<addr, func> : Whenever addr is queried, it sends data about the request to the function passed in, and sends back the data the function returns.

  • start : Starts the webserver.


Route functions are given data that looks like this:

    "method": "Request Method, usually GET or POST",
    "uri": "The uri used, like /test?abc=xyz",
    "body": "The body passed in.",
    "headers": {
        "the": ["headers given"],
        "from": ["post requests"]

The expected return type should be of:

    "code": 200, // The response code, like 200, 400, 404, etc.
    "header": "<h1>The value to return</h1>"


import pdl;

Server Functions#

  • host<port> : Starts a server on the given port and returns the server ID.

  • accept<id> : Accepts a connection from the server with the given ID and returns a connection ID.

Connection Functions#

  • connect<host, port> : Connects to the given host and port and returns a connection ID.

  • write<id, bytes, offset, len> : Writes the given bytes to the connection with the given ID.

  • read<id, offset, len> : Reads bytes from the connection with the given ID.


import json;

  • loads<string> : Converts JSON string to a list/dictionary.

  • dumps<object> : Converts a list/dictionary to a JSON string.


import awt;

Colors for awt should be a Tuple of 3 integers in the range 0 to 255, like Tuple(255, 0, 0) for red. Tuple(r, g, b)

To start using awt, you must call awt::init(). If not, all other functions will fail!

Window Functions#

You can create multiple windows, but only one can be active at a time.

The library stores an array of all windows, and the active window. You can change the index of the active window by calling awt::setWindow(index).

The library has a “focus window” that when closed, will exit the program. You can change the focus window by calling awt::focuswWindow() to focus the current window.

  • awt::createWindow : Creates a new window and returns its index.

  • awt::setWindow<index> : Sets the active window to the given index.

  • awt::focusWindow : Sets the focus window to the current window.

  • awt::windowIndex : Returns the index of the current window.

  • awt::windowCount : Returns the number of windows.

  • awt::width : Returns the width of the current window.

  • awt::height : Returns the height of the current window.

Draw Functions#

  • drawPoly<points, color> : Draws a polygon with the vertices being the given points and shaded in the given color.

  • tracePoly<points, color> : Draws the outline of a polygon with the vertices being the given points and shaded in the given color.

  • drawOval<x, y, width, height, color> : Draws an oval of the given color with the center at (x, y) with dimensions width x height.

  • drawCircle<r, x, y, color> : Draws a circle of the given color with the center at (x, y) and a radius of r.

  • drawRect<x, y, width, height, color> : Draws a rectangle of the given color with the center at (x, y) with dimensions width x height.

  • drawSquare<length, x, y, color> : Draws a square of the given color with the center at (x, y) with dimensions length x length.

  • drawText<text, x, y, color> : Writes text at (x, y) in the given color.

  • drawImage<filepath, x, y> : Draws the image at the given path at (x, y).

  • drawSizedImage<filepath, x, y, w, h> : Draws the image at the given path at (x, y) with the given dimensions w x h.

  • setPixel<x, y, color> : Sets the pixel at (x, y) to the given color.

  • drawLine<start, end, color> : Draws a line from the start point to the end point in the given color.


  • setTitle<title> : Sets the window title to the given title.

  • setSize<width, height> : Sets the window dimensions to width x height.

  • setIcon<filepath> : Sets the window icon to the given image.

  • setFont<name, type, size> : Sets the current font to the given font with formatting of the given type and of the given size. Types include:

    • "B" -> Bold

    • "I" -> Italic

    • "P" -> Plain

  • setBackgroundColor<color> : Sets the background to the given color.

  • lockSize<bool> : Disables/enables the ability to resize the window.

  • setStrokeSize<width> : Changes the stroke size.

  • exit : Exits the window.


  • start : Starts rendering and opens the window.

  • clear : Clears the canvas.

  • refresh : Refreshes the canvas.

  • refreshLoop<refreshRate> : Refreshs the canvas at the given refresh rate in the background.

  • refreshUnloop : Stops the refresh loop.

  • screenshot<filepath> : Saves the current canvas to an image file which will be stored at the given path.

  • fps : Returns the given FPS.

  • gpuCompute<bool> : Sets gpu computing to true/false.


QRendering is an alternative to rendering. With the default rendering, any functions that modify the canvas, like drawing a circle, directly modify the canvas as soon as they’re called. With QRendering, the functions are put on to a sort of stack, and when you call the update command they are all drawn at once. This can help when you’re doing lots of drawing, as you might rerender the screen while only half of your drawing is complete. QRendering makes it so that everything will render at once.

  • toggleQRender : Toggles QRendering.

  • qrender : Toggles QRendering (alias for toggleQRender).

  • qUpdate : Pushs all the changes to the canvas.

Mouse Input#

  • mouseDown<button> : Returns if the given button is being held down. 0 is LMB, 1 is MMB, 2 is RMB.

  • mousePos : Returns the given mouse position as [x, y].

  • mouseIn : Returns if the mouse is in the window.

Keyboard Input#

Keys should be given as strings, like "a", " ", or "enter".

  • keyDown<key> : Returns if the given key is being held down.

  • keyTyped<key> : Returns if the key was pressed.

  • keyString : Returns a string of all the pressed keys, like "abc" if keys A, B, and C were pressed.


  • playSound<filepath> : Plays the sound at the path.

General Functions#

  • chooseFile<path, filter, mode> : Opens a file picker and returns the chosen file. Originates at the given path. Opens a save prompt if the mode is awt::SAVE, opens an open prompt if the mode is awt::OPEN. If the given filter is null, no filter will be applied. Otherwise, a filter should be given in the format ["Message to display", "extension"], such as ["PNG files (*.png)", "png"].


Some simple boilerplate code for creating an app is provided below.

var { Tuple } => import std;
import awt;

awt::setSize(800, 800);

awt::refreshLoop(1000 / 60);

awt::drawCircle(100, 400, 400, Tuple(50, 50, 50));